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This year we have a student in our classroom with a severe nut allergy. To ensure their safety and well-being, we kindly request that all snacks brought into the classroom be entirely nut-free. This includes peanuts and any nut products.


While I understand that this may require adjustments for some, it's vital that we come together as a supportive community to keep every child safe. Your cooperation in providing nut-free snacks will allow our student to fully participate in all activities and create a secure environment for everyone.


Thank you for your understanding and compassion. By working together, we can ensure a positive and inclusive experience for every child in our class. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to a fantastic year together!


4th Grade Daily Schedule

8:55-9:30:  Arrival/Morning Work

9:30-10:15: Writing/Grammar

10:15-10:30: Recess

10:30-11:00: Phonics/Snack/Read aloud

11:00-11:45: Connections

11:45-12:45: Math

12:45-1:30: Lunch/Recess

1:30-2:20: Reading

2:20-3:05: P.S. Time

3:05-3:45: Project

3:45-4:00: Checkbooks/Jobs/Pack & Stack


I want you to be fulfilled throughout the day ready to learn. This means I allow you to snack in the classroom whenever you feel like you need one. This of course, will not include connections time. This also means, that your snack should be completely peanut and tree nut free, as well as healthy, so you get the most out of it. 



Besides being a kid and playing and engaging with family, we continue to believe that reading is an important activity students can do in the evening. Please help us with ensuring that your students are reading every night, either listening to you read or reading to themselves. Additionally, students may always work on iReady, which is an instructional component to our assessment program and adjusts to students ability as needed in math and reading. Students may also be asked to work on lingering assignments, if they prefer not to work on them in Study Hall.

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Birthday Treats:
You are welcome to bring in

Peanut & Tree Nut FREE
birthday treats to celebrate your BIG DAY.

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